Ferric Chloride BP Ph Eur Analytical Reagent & Ferric Oxide USP NF Suppliers Exporters, Manufacturers
Ferric Chloride
CAS Number: 10025-77-1, BP Ph Eur Analytical Reagent Suppliers Exporters, Manufacturers
Please visit Safety Data Sheet of Ferric Chloride Manufacturers.
Ferric Chloride Hexahydrate BP Grade Ph Eur
FeCl3-6H2O -- 270.3 -- CAS 10025-77-1DEFINITION
Content: 98.0 per cent to 102.0 per cent.CHARACTERS
Appearance: Crystalline mass or orange-yellow or brownish-yellow crystals, very hygroscopic.
Solubility: Very soluble in water and in ethanol (96 per cent), freely soluble in glycerol.IDENTIFICATION
A. It gives reaction of chlorides.
B. It gives reaction of iron.TESTS
Solution S: Dissolve 10 g in distilled water and dilute to 100 ml with the same solvent.
Acidity: In a suitable polyethylene container, dissolve 3.0 g of potassium fluoride in 15 ml of water. Titrate with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide using 0.1 ml of phph solution as indicator until a pink colour is obtained. Add 10 ml of solution S and allow to stand for 3 h. Filter and use 12.5 ml of the filtrate. Not more than 0.30 ml of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide is required to change the colour of the indicator to pink.
Free chlorine: Heat 5 ml of solution S. The vapour does not turn starch iodide paper blue.
Sulphates: Maximum 100 ppm.
Ferrous ions: Maximum 50 ppm.
Heavy metals: Maximum 50 ppm.
Ferric Chloride Hexahydrate Analytical Reagent Grade
Iron(III) Chloride Hexahydrate
Formula Weight 270.30
CAS Number 10025-77-1REQUIREMENTS
Assay: 97.0-102.0% FeCl3-6H2OMAXIMUM ALLOWABLE
Insoluble matter: 0.01%
Nitrate (NO3): 0.01%
Phosphorus compounds (as PO4): 0.01%
Sulfate (SO4): 0.01%
Copper (Cu): 0.03%
Zinc (Zn): 0.03%
Ferrous iron (Fe++): Passes test Substances not precipitated by ammonium hydroxide (as sulfates): 0.1%
Please visit Hazard Statement of Ferric Chloride BP Ph Eur Analytical Reagent Manufacturers.
Ferric Oxide
CAS Number: 1309-37-1, USP NF Suppliers Exporters, Manufacturers
Please visit Safety Data Sheet of Ferric Oxide Manufacturers.
Ferric Oxide USP NF
Ferric Oxide contains not less than 97.0 percent and not more than 100.5 percent of Fe2O3, calculated on the ignited basis.Identification: Dissolve 0.5 g in 50 mL of hydrochloric acid, and dilute with water to 200 mL: the solution so obtained responds to the test for Ferric Salts under Iron..
Water-soluble substances: Digest 2.0 g in 100 mL of water on a boiling water bath for 2 hours, filter, and wash the filter with water. Evaporate the filtrate and washings, and dry the residue at 105 for 1 hour: the weight of the dried residue is not more than 20 mg (1.0%).
Acid-insoluble substances: Digest 2.0 g in 25 mL of hydrochloric acid by boiling for 20 minutes. Add 100 mL of hot water, and filter quantitatively through a tared filtering crucible, with the aid of hot wash water, until the filtrate tests negative for chloride. Dry the crucible and contents at 105 for 1 hour: the residue weighs not more than 6 mg (0.3%).
Organic colors and lakes: Place 1.0 g in each of 3 beakers, and add 25 mL of each of the following reagents, respectively: 1-chloronaphthalene, alcohol, and chloroform. Heat the beakers containing alcohol and chloroform just to boiling. Heat the other beaker on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, with occasional swirling. Filter the contents of the beakers through retentive, solvent-resistant filter paper. If any of the filtrates shows visible turbidity, centrifuge for 15 minutes. Record the spectra against respective solvent blanks in 1-cm cells from 350 to 750 nm. No peak, above the noise level, with a slope greater than +0.001 absorbance unit per nm is found.
Mercury: The limit is 3 µg per g.
Limit of arsenic: The limit is 3 µg per g.
Limit of lead: The limit is 0.001%. (0.001%).
Please visit Hazard Statement of Ferric Oxide USP NF Grade Manufacturers.
Ferric Chloride BP Ph Eur Analytical Reagent CAS Number 10025-77-1 & Ferric Oxide USP NF CAS Number 1309-37-1 Supplier Exporter, Manufacturer:
Annie Chemie P Ltd
Mumbai 4000010, INDIA
With Agents and offices in UAE, USA, Europe.e-mail: info@anniechemie.com
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September 28, 2023Exporters to USA, Canada, China, Europe, UAE, Nigeria, Algeria, Turkey, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Australia, Dubai etc.
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